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Surprise Creek (Uranium) 100% owned


  • Comprises 17 contiguous claims covering an area of 197km2.
  • Located around 25km northwest of Uranium City in Northern Saskatchewan and approximately 30km northwest of the Beaverlodge uranium district which contains the historical uranium mines of Gunnar, Eldorado (Ace-Fay-Verna) and many others.
  • Uranium deposits of the Beaverlodge Uranium district are classed as structurally controlled vein type, which is considered a sub-type of the basement-hosted unconformity-related uranium deposits.
  • The Beaverlodge District produced about 57 million pounds of uranium up to the early 1980s, with minimal modern exploration since that time.
  • High priority uranium target at Surprise Creek Fault with uranium mineralisation identified over 500m strike length and rock chip samples up to 7.98% U3O8 and 0.67% Cu.
  • Historical drilling (1968) returned 2.1m @ 4.37% U3O8 from 57m (VT20) including 0.9m @ 7.5% U3O8.
  • Potential for unconformity-associated copper mineralisation in the southern and western part of the project – historical drilling results up to 9m @ 2.07% Cu and 27g/t Ag (Bob Lake) and 6.6m @ 1.31% Cu (Ellis Bay).
Surprise Creek uranium and copper location map